Monday, April 18, 2005


Why is it hard for everyone to admit our own fault? everytime fault takes's easier pointing finger at one than to ourself. Why do we dont want to be blame? Cant you be fair really really fair admiting your fault? I'm just wondering... sometimes i admit my fault after it took quiet a time to think about other times i felt very hard saying the word "ok it's my fault" from my mouth..What would you do if you were me? Sat by yourself thinking and sort things out or ask your bestfriends for opinions or keep yapping to everyone whose to blame ?Is it because guilt or regret takes place and makes you wanna blame anyone else other than you?

Thursday, April 14, 2005


i dont know wat's happening to me dis few days... but i felt so gloomy... first blast from the past, then arguing over and over again, and this urge feeling that makes me feel so devastated.. too many ups and down feeling. Actually i dont have time for dis, i have to focus on my work, i'm still on probation for GOD sake! but it keeps on bothering me... WHAT DID YOU DO? CAST A SPELL ON ME?

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


HeLLoooOOw! Let Me introduce myself... i'm RhaNi the New PROGRAMMER huhuhuuuuuuuuuw!! Jadi gini niy ceritanya seminggu yang lalu tiba2 gw dipanggil gt sama supervisor gw..wahh di kepala gw tuh "what have i done?? did i do sumthin wrong?" tapi sampe sore gitu ga sempet2 ke ruangan meeting gt...bgitu udah mo pulang dia bilang ga sempet...wakss gw makin panik dong nunggu sampe bsk.

-The next day-
Akhirnya gw dipanggil hari ini...Begitu ngomong ternyata karena 2 temen programmer gw resign, gw dinyatakan sebagai kandidat untuk jd programmer huhuhuw...trus ditanyain deyy gw mau ato ga...Dan setelah gw pikir2 gw mau mencoba dulu kira2 gw masih mampu ga pegang coding heuheuheue...akhirnya gw coba deeyyy....Sooo gw probation dulu selama 3 bulan setelah itu baru gw pikir2 lagi kira2 mampu ato ga dan supervisor gw jg liat dl kira2 gw mampu ato ga huuuuuuuuuu seraaaaaaaaaaam....

-aNd the next day-
Pertanyaan pertama dari "my so called NEW supervisor" ---> lo mo belajar apa dulu ASP? ASP.NET? ato C#? waaaaaaaakkss *GUBRAK KLONTANG KLONTANG!* dua dari itu gw ga tau sama sekali... sedangkan ASP gw pernah belajar dasaaaaaaar bgt... akhirnya yah gw belajar ASP aja dl... selama seminggu ini gw gi mati2an nginget coding2 program... gilaaaaaaa gw udah jamuran abis gini...

so now i'm still fighting over a bunch of coding written in the screen and it's getting blurry and blurrier huhuhuhuw..... -INFORMATION OVERLOADED-

wish me luck guys....!!!