Following this quizz! Its quite trueeee...
Imagine the following scenes:
1. A bunch of horses running in the wild
2. A small and simple house in a village
3. A photographer who's taking a picture
4. A Venus statue that represents Love and Beauty
From the 4 scenes, pick three! Dont be hesitated! Dont think too much!
Just pick 3 outta 4!
Done? ......
Now, lemme explain:
The 3 things that youve picked are NOT important, although they did attract you in some ways. But the most important thing is the one that you gave up (didnt choose), it represents something that you dont wanna deal with right now, that you wanna escape from, and that is the root of your tiredness.
Horses represent "Work"
House represents "Home affairs or Family problems"
Photographer represents "Relationship with people"
Venus statue represents "Love and anything related to it"
Is that right? This quiz is only to find the root/cause of yourtiredness/annoyed-ness...
But it cant teach you how to deal with it. So, the rest is depends on you.
Everyday, everyone has his own frustration, disappointment, and tiredness. But choosing to suffer is your own choice! Change your lifestyle! Change your attitude! The way you see the world is the way the world will be! If there ever comes a day when we can't be together, keep me in your heart, I'll stay there forever.
what's the root of your tiredness? mine is number 3 *sighh*