Friday, October 22, 2004

A Date with PisCes..

>> How To Date A PISCES FEMALE February 20 - March 20 <<

If you are dating a Pisces female, take her to a psychic far, art gallery, or out for cocktails. Don't take her to the animal shelter, or you will have a new pet. You can wear anything you like, and you get to make all the decisions. She prefers men with a passion about something, just believe in it. Music is one of her favourites and dancing is definitely a must. If you can't dance, take lessons. Pisces females don't care if you are good looking, just have a heart. A sense of humour is an asset, she has one too. She is very much a dreamer so support her in her dreams. She falls in love easily. Don't promise her a rose garden, if you don't mean it.When you go to the movies, take tissues. It does not matter what the movie is about, she will inevitable cry, when something touches her. Pisces females love everyone, even if they treated her badly. She hates to see pain, but can drown in her own. Cheer her up, be a positive kind of guy, and be romantic. Encourage her to not live in your shadow, but to have her own life. Yes, your Pisces woman will marry you. Pisces females have a hard time saying No!

A date with me...anyone? huhuhuhuw ;d


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'd love to :)

1:41 PM

Blogger Rh4niiY said...

really ? *sparks* cring crinng! huhuhuhuhuww....

3:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

wah.. mau dong.. gue antrian ke brp nih? hehehe

3:34 PM

Blogger Rh4niiY said...

who are you anyway?

3:41 PM

Blogger Rh4niiY said...

waakksss nana dalem! bikin ge er aja lo huahuahua....

3:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:19 AM

Blogger Rh4niiY said...

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8:25 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

negla nii... terlalu males buat register di blogger heuehuheueh...

btw, dapet tuh article dari mana? gue penasaran kalo punya gue bunyinya gimana hueheuheuheue...

nice idea btw... the blog... hmm, gue dulu pernah bikin, tapi gue bosenan, ga pernah di update lagi hehehe...

4:51 PM

Blogger Rh4niiY said...

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4:22 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ya yang scorpio dong raaan^^;;... scorpio yang ce loh yah heuheuhuhehe... pnasaran, lo dapet di mana siy?

11:48 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ya yang scorpio dong raaan^^;;... scorpio yang ce loh yah heuheuhuhehe... pnasaran, lo dapet di mana siy? --negla ^^v

11:48 AM

Blogger Rh4niiY said...

tenang2...nanti madam rhani kasih huhuhuhuhuw....

12:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

1:59 PM


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