Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Wondering a Bit..

Tauu ga siyy...the strangest thing happen bbrp minggu yg lalu pagi2 waktu gw gi siap2 mo ke kantor.. i was getting ready and all then i stood up in the mirror..tiba2 gw merasa ada sesuatu dimuka gw..gw coba bersihin dan ternyata ga bisa...begitu gw sadar2 it's a mole! dan setelah bbrp hr kmudian gw msh penasaran tuh mikirin hari itu...ternyata emang udah dr dulu gw punya tahi lalat itu..knp waktu hari itu kok gw tiba2 bingung yah....?damn that's weird ! heuheuheue...Hummm tiba2 gw jd kepikiran aja..is it the same with falling in love? i woke up one day and the first thing on my mind is him?and it took you a couple of days to realized that you're in love with a person that was always there all the time but you just never realize it....but why am i being scared of all things ? scared if i fall and he dont intend to catch my fall...well i'm just being mellow and stuff..